Most employees in the state of Oklahoma are covered by the workers’ compensation system. This means they are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for work-related injuries. Employees who suffer work-related injuries must follow a number of steps in order to recover benefits. The first step in the workers’ compensation claim process is notifying your employer of your injuries. Here’s what to do:
What to Do Immediately After A Workplace Injury
You can give either oral or written notice of your injuries to your employer. However, it’s in your best interest to provide the notice in writing to ensure it is documented. This way, your employer cannot claim that they were never notified of your injuries.
Some employers require injured workers to fill out injury report forms. These forms are not required by law, but may be used internally to keep track of accidents and injuries.
Don’t rely on a co-worker to notify your employer on your behalf. Telling a co-worker about your injuries does not qualify as notifying your employer. You must report your work-related injuries to your supervisor.
When to Notify Your Employer of Work-Related Injuries
By law, employees in Oklahoma have 30 days from the date the injury was sustained to notify their employer. If you miss this deadline, you could lose the right to workers’ compensation benefits. For this reason, it’s best to notify your employer as soon as possible to ensure you don’t lose the opportunity to recover benefits.
What Happens After You Notify Your Employer?
Your employer must provide medical treatment within five days of learning about your injuries. If they fail to fulfill this obligation, you can choose your own physician and seek medical treatment.
Your employer is also required to notify the Workers’ Compensation Court and their insurance company of your injuries. Employers must submit this information within 10 days of being notified about your injuries. Submitting this paperwork to the insurance company will initiate the workers’ compensation claim process. At this point, the insurance company will begin reviewing your claim to determine whether or not you are eligible for benefits and if so, how much.
Have you suffered an injury in the workplace? Don’t hesitate to contact the attorneys at Armstrong & Vaught, P.L.C. We will stand by your side throughout the workers’ compensation claim process to ensure you are fully compensated for your work-related injuries. Call us at (918) 582-2500 or toll-free at (800) 722-8880 or complete the simple form below for a free consultation with a skilled attorney.