Workers in Oklahoma can suffer a wide range of work-related injuries. Many work-related injuries, such as bruises, sprains, and strains, typically heal within a matter of weeks or months. But unfortunately, some work-related injuries are catastrophic. These devastating injuries often result in permanent disfigurement or scarring that will last for the rest of the victim’s life.
If you are a worker in Oklahoma, it’s important to understand your right to workers’ compensation benefits for permanent disfigurement. Here’s what you need to know:
Can Victims Recover Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Permanent Disfigurement?
The workers’ compensation system in Oklahoma covers permanently disfiguring work-related injuries. By law, workers who have been permanently disfigured as a result of their work-related injuries are entitled to up to $50,000 in benefits.
The benefits that are awarded for disfigurement are completely separate from the benefits that are awarded for the injury itself. For example, let’s say someone suffers an eye injury in a work-related accident that leaves him permanently disfigured. In this case, the victim may be entitled to workers’ compensation for the eye injury in addition to workers’ compensation benefits for the disfigurement caused by the eye injury.
When Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Disfigurement Awarded?
These benefits will not be awarded to victims immediately after they are injured. The law requires victims to wait for a period of 12 months from the date the injury was sustained before they can collect benefits for disfigurement.
Who is Not Eligible For Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Disfigurement?
Some workers are not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits for disfigurement even if they have suffered disfiguring injuries. Of course, workers who are not covered by the workers’ compensation system in Oklahoma are not entitled to these benefits. For instance, licensed real estate brokers are not covered by the workers’ compensation system, so they are not eligible for benefits for disfigurement.
In addition, the law states that workers cannot receive disfigurement benefits if they are also receiving permanent partial disability benefits for the same body part. Consider the eye injury example one more time. If this worker is awarded permanent partial disability benefits for his eye, he is no longer entitled to disfigurement benefits even though his injury is permanently disfiguring.
Have you suffered a disfiguring work-related injury? Don’t hesitate to seek legal representation from the experienced attorneys at Armstrong & Vaught, P.L.C. Our attorneys are committed to helping workers protect their rights and fight for the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve. Call us at (918) 582-2500 or toll-free at (800) 722-8880 or complete the simple form below for a free consultation with a skilled attorney.