Oklahoma workers injured on the job can face some roadblocks, but the first roadblock many injured employees face is a mental one. They have to decide if their injury is serious enough to warrant filing a report. Millions of people are injured on the job, but only a fraction of injured workers file an injury claim. While some incidents may not be covered by workers’ compensation (depending on the details of the situation and the injury), overall, it’s a good idea to seek advice for any workplace injury or any disease or condition that occurs due to an employee’s working conditions.
When an Employee Shouldn’t File a Workers’ Compensation Claim:
When an injury is suffered due to extraneous activities outside of your normal day-to-day job responsibilities and outside of your workplace, it may not be covered. Still, if you aren’t sure, it’s best to ask an experienced employment law attorney.
When a Workplace Injury Requires a Report & a Workers’ Comp Claim:
When considering a workplace injury to determine whether or not it may warrant a workers’ compensation claim, think about what was required to address the problem on-site. If pulling out a standard first aid kit gave you access to everything you needed to treat the injury on-site (bandaids, antibiotic ointment, gauze, etc.), you probably don’t need to make a workers’ compensation claim. Likewise, you likely don’t need to report the scenario to your supervisor if you obtain a mild cut, scrape, or another small wound, ache, or pain. On the other hand, if your injury interferes with your ability to do your job, notify your supervisor immediately. Additionally, any injury that requires emergency medical treatment or intervention, like a chemical burn or broken bone, is almost guaranteed to be covered under workers’ compensation.
Better Safe than Sorry: File the Report
If you aren’t sure whether or not you should report an incident on the job and file a report about your workplace injury, go ahead and file it. A workplace injury is a situation that falls under the adage, “better safe than sorry.” If you need to discuss your workplace injury or find out if it’s a good idea to seek workers’ compensation, reach out to an experienced workers’ comp attorney in your area.
If you’ve been injured on the job in Oklahoma, get in touch with Armstrong & Vaught P.L.C., Tulsa’s Premier Workers’ Compensation, Employment, and Social Security Law Firm. We have the experience you need on your side.